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Showing posts from May, 2018

Saturday Night In: Creep

          You know those people that are nice to an uncomfortable extent? The type that get a little too comfortable with strangers too fast? Sure they might be a little odd and have a strange sense of humor but they're probably harmless... most of the time.           Creep is the dark, and strange story of one such man (played a little too well by Mark Duplass) who puts an ad in the paper looking for a videographer to film a day in his life. He slowly reveals that that he has been diagnosed with cancer and has only months left to live. He wants to document a personal day in the life so that his unborn son has a video of his father to watch and grow up with. It's a touching premise but things don't stay sweet for very long as the day goes on. Things go from uncomfortable to creepy as the things our protagonist reluctantly agrees to film get stranger.           Duplass does a great job taking the story from ...

Friday Favorites: The Thing (1982)

          An isolated and frozen outpost, an armed and cranky crew of scientists and a shape shifting alien that can assume the look of any living being it wants. If that doesn't convince you that The Thing is a "must see" for any sci-fi/horror fan then allow me to also add that it is helmed by legendary director, John Carpenter and stars a young and scared Kurt Russel as the iconic protagonist, R.J. MacReady.           The story opens to an areal shot of a Husky running quickly though the snow and dodging bullets coming from a helicopter flying overhead. The dog quickly makes it to an outpost full of scientists who have been there way too long for their liking. As the story advances we begin to find out that the crew may have found themselves in a bit of a pickle (rather the pickle has found them) when they discover that another outpost miles away has been completely deserted and trashed. As the crew tries to find out what could've ...